Where Do We Begin?
I’ve started a timer for 15 minutes so here we go…
For the last month, I’ve been back in Detroit, and for the last two weeks, I’ve been back home with my family, and let me tell you something: it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions.
Every day I go up and I go down and then I go around and around and around. For example, one afternoon, I’ll feel more content just being with my family than I have in a long long looong time, and then later that evening the existential dread, geographical tension, and years of fun-filled trauma will start to creep in and I’ll end up crying myself to sleep.
So in other words… I’m all over the friggin place lololo
A big reason for all of this is because an elephantine chapter of my life feels like it has recently come to close. I completed the largest creative project that I’ve ever undertaken in a way that only a few people will ever really understand. I quit-slash-lost a great job that for a while I was counting on converting into a greater promotion. I came in close contact with the first serious relationship I would’ve had in a few years and it didn’t exactly end how I might’ve liked although I believe it ended how we both needed. I left a beautiful family of friends who are happily awaiting my return (when I’m ready). And last but not least, I think me and my therapist can agree that I’ve officially survived my first mental breakdown (that kinda lasted on-and-off for about six months???) that started with a naked night on my roof and ended with my dad’s swimsuit on a road sign.
Also, did I mention there was a whole global pandemic happening during the last few months of all this? No? Well there was a whole global pandemic happening during the last few months of all this too.
So yehhhhhh, lots to discuss but where to start?!? I guess I’ll let today’s #ToreTalks take it from here: